If your website isn’t helping with sales, it’s simply taking up space. A successful company site will do more than present your business’s value and mission, but also aid in lead conversion efforts. In order for your website to increase sales opportunities, you’ll need to pay close attention to a variety of assets in its creation and revisions:
It’s All About the User (Experience)
Great UX should be at the heart of your web design. From your header menu to forms and everything in between, navigating your company site should be seamless and natural. If visitors have to take time to figure out where their next steps are, you’ll lose them before those next steps are taken.
Not only should your UX be smooth, but it should also guide visitors along to where you want them to be and which actions you want them to carry out. Every piece of content on your website should have a purpose for driving further engagement. These actions, be they a form, download, or landing page, should have clear direction and advance prospects in both your site and the buyer’s journey. Utilize CTAs and relevant hyperlinks to lead your audience to the desired page or activity.
Consider Your Target Audience
Buyer personas are a big part of sales, so it makes sense that if you want your website to be a sales machine that it, too, should keep buyer personas in mind. Both design and content should be tailored to your ideal client. If you’re targeting a younger demographic, then you might want to utilize trendy web design and fun colors, while an older demographic may prefer plain, simplistic visuals. The tone should also match the language of your typical visitors. Does your target persona respond better to humor or a more professional copy? Do some research on your ICPs prior to building out your website to fit their preferences.
Keep it Agile
Your website should change as consumer behavior, and web design best practices do. Failing to regularly audit and update your company site will have it feeling stale and outdated in no time. Do you think companies that have been around for decades have the exact same website as when they first hit publish? Obviously not, or the internet would be overloaded with flashing WordArt graphics a la the golden web design days of Geocities. It’s not just the modern times you’ll need to keep up with, though. Businesses themselves often go through changes, be they big or small, and your site should always reflect your current offerings and culture.
Turning your website into a virtual sales generator necessitates you follow current web design best practices, recognize your target audience, and regularly update site components on an as-needed basis. HeadsUp provides web design and content creation services that produce new, quality leads. Reach out today to make your site the best it can be!