Have you ever thought and wondered how the online search results you see first (and click on) got to the top?

The answer is simple. Optimized for search engines, the websites did the best job of matching their words to the words people search for.

Proper SEO

Organic search engine optimization is as important as ever for your company’s exposure. Done well, it’s a powerful tool.

A good strategy includes “search friendly” formats, external links, and precise keywords. Another aspect, Google makes a point to mention in its SEO guidelines that good content should rule. Overall, that’s what people want when they search.

How to fully go about doing that for optimal ROI results will come later in our guide to SEO. But the fact remains, plenty of effective case studies exist. Which means if done properly, it can work for you too.

Paid vs. Non-Paid

Non-organic, more commonly known as pay-per click (PPC), campaigns provide an instant gratification. They will help boost traffic towards your website. For a limited time and set dollar amount, they will place you at the top.

PPC can help to start, boost and aid an SEO marketing strategy. But unless you have a colossal marketing budget, you’d be remiss to not focus on it. Implementing the best organic search principles into your strategy will pay big dividends in the long run.

For your business, it is one of the most effective ways to tell people your company exists. An organic strategy allows for you to find people who are looking for your goods and services.

Whether it’s social media, referral links or search – the main point is to direct traffic to your website. SEO remains the most beneficial approach to driving traffic to your website.

Local SEO Implementation

Organic search helps small companies to compete in a hypercompetitive environment. Compare it to David’s slingshot for contending with Goliath.

First, it’s not something that will cost you nearly as much money as PPC campaigns.

SEO isn’t smooth sailing by any means. It will take time to master. Or you can hire a company that already knows how to implement it. But as mentioned above, you don’t need a bottomless pit of a marketing budget to see results.

Finally, local SEO targets the customers in your area. After you get a lock on local, then you can start to focus on your vision of expanding and building a national following.

Local targeting leads to you appearing high in searches from around your area. Local targeting may make you appear higher in ranking but only around your specific area. Its growth originates from the increase in mobile browsing and most mobile searches are locally focused.

In summary, SEO is a never ending process and always offers aspects to be improved upon.

Remember, the main goal is for customers to locate your business online. As business in general relies more on Internet transactions, assuring and maintaining your web presence will only continue to grow in importance.